Sunday, October 7, 2007

Wow too busy

I meant to post more than this, but things have gotten hectic. I went to meet with all my friends in Atlanta at the end of August and had a ball... When I got back, it was crazy time. So much to do with the new school year starting. New files, new students, and new classes I'd never taught before. I'm co-teaching a science class for 9th graders and I'm really having to brush up on a lot of things.The remodeling of the house has pretty much finished, but we won't be selling until spring. The school year is going well, but our classes are bigger than last year and they just keep putting more kids in each day. I'm also doing the after school program tutoring kids in 7th grade math Monday -Wednesday and then tutoring for Allie on my free time has vanished, but I do still have plenty of time for my Annie and Wyatt and Audrey...and of course my friends and family:)
Kerry is doing so well on his diet. He's lost over 50 pounds!!!! He's better than I am about getting to the gym ( I am trying to do better)He's been so great about working on the house, but I think we're both relieved that we can take it easier now that we're not painting, landscaping, and cleaning every day.
Well that's about it from here:)

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Remodeling, cleaning, and school oh my

So far so good. I really think this is going to work out. I just can't wait to move closer to mom, dad, Annie, Cath, Mike, Wyatt. Ev, and more room and an actual dishwasher...and even ( gasp) sprinklers. Oh happy day. Now if we could just convince the pets

Friday, August 10, 2007

Lamby Toes

Have to love SciFi for having marathons of Firefly:) Makes the day go happier:) So the remodeling continues. Mom's been such a help with painting and advice. It's so nice to have a fantastic mom. So with any luck we should be able to finish up soon and we might even have someone who's interested... I hope so. The less complex this is the better.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Random Thoughts

I really wish the retailers would stop with the back to school ads. I know it's time to get ready, but it's just so irritating to be reminded of it. I am looking forward to this year though. I am glad to not be teaching math. It's not that I hate it or anything, just I'd rather teach reading or English or other subjects.
I really think we've made a mistake starting school this early. Used to be school would start right after Labor Day and end the first week of June. I think both teachers and kids need that break to gear up for what's to come. I know that some people think it's ridiculous for teachers to get that kind of time off...but these are the same people who wouldn't do my job for a million dollars. Being constantly patient, always kind no matter how you're treated, and giving 110% of yourself and your time every day is exhausting. For the kids trying to manage their lives, develop social skills, learn how to be an adult, gain wisdom and responsibility, and learn all the curriculum is probably equally difficult... I also think school should start later in the day and every single research study bears this out, yet here were are continuing to do the same thing for the sake of parents work schedules and getting the kids done early enough that they can have after school jobs...Ok enough grouching. I just wish education was really for the kids and not for the sake of adults and appearances

Monday, August 6, 2007


First goes:)
Well not really my first blog, just my first one on this site. Not much going on here. Just trying to find a way to get all the work done on the house before we sell...Why can't there just be some instant button you can push that will make your house clean, shiny, and well repaired so that you can sell it.